Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Sam Ryan


“Share With Care, You Never Know” is my SP6 project and is an illustrated campaign of posters accompanied by a newspaper based on the art style of WWII American Propaganda.

The driving idea behind this project is the need for awareness and information around the internet and social media and some of the dangers it can create. The project is targeted primarily at teens aged 12-18 and seeks to hit home some of the issues about privacy and security that the Internet age is creating.

71%of teens in the world have accounts on social media and of the 71%, almost half are totally public and open to anyone. That means teens names, ages, phone numbers and even location could be seen and used by millions of people. The problem facing youths today is that signing up for these services is happening at younger ages every year and becoming the social norm. This is not to say the technology isn’t amazing and hugely useful, just that there is not enough information made readily available and digestible for the young kids using these services.

So the aim of my project is to create a bridge between teens and information, and one way this project will do that is by encouraging parents and caregivers to become better informed about these dangers too. The tie back to WWII era propaganda is a hidden message of sorts for parents to take recognize and take notice of, helping to understand the gravity of some of these modern day issues.

I intend for this project to make people a little uneasy about whats going on, to encourage them to question the information they share and motivate them to get better acquainted with the services they use every day.

About samryan123

Bachelor of Design and Visual Arts student, majoring in Graphic Design and Animation. Looking for both Freelancing and community based projects to help me learn and grow as a designer while i study.

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This entry was posted on September 7, 2015 by in Uncategorized.