Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Irene Lee


Budget 2 Munchet is a website that focuses on providing affordable recipes and tips for local students.

My aim is to provide a resource of recipe guides and additional information that will help students living in New Zealand, who are learning how to cook but are on a tight budget. The recipes will include affordable ingredients from local stores and markets so that students know where to get them as well as making use of leftovers. Easy to follow step by step instructions detailing the preparation and making of the food as well as tips on DIY presentation. Information on budgeting and meal planning will also help students prioritise their schedule.

Students will most likely experience their first time living away from home or stepping into the boundaries of independence where they will have to manage their own schedule and lifestyle choices. One of the things that students will often struggle with in the beginning, is learning to cook for themselves. Most students who are living on a budget will have limited available resources and time to be able to prioritise their meals, or they simply don’t know where to even begin.

Budget 2 Munchet was originally an idea my friend, Amanda and I came up with together. With her food obsession and my creative background, we decided to combine the two, hoping to form a Youtube channel with video content. However, we never got around to actually starting the channel and it kept being delayed due to our clashing schedules. I finally decided to take charge and turn it into my final SP6 project, to get things moving.

While keeping the idea of having a resource outlet for affordable recipes and guides, I came to the decision of turning ‘Budget 2 Munchet’ into a digital platform catered towards students instead of a general audience to separate it from the pool of existing recipe sites. By creating the website, I hope to achieve a reliable, resourceful platform for students to use and benefit from in their daily lives.


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This entry was posted on September 7, 2015 by in Digital Media.