Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Richard Nicholas

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For my Studio Practice 6 project, I have chosen to create and brand a food truck. What lead me to this decision was first of all my love for food and interest in the food and beverage industry. This was also a way for me to experiment with my design across multiple platforms and mediums. My aim is to successfully create a brand for an artisan style mobile food truck, through analogue and digital outputs. The brand, style and imagery I will be creating will be present in all apects of the products and service. Food and drink packaging, graphics on the truck, menus, coaster and print outs are some of my intended outputs. As well as this, the brand will also have digital presence. Social media will help establish interaction between customer and brand and/or a website. Because I am designing a brand/franchise my outputs can be quite flexible. I feel that my design should embody both attractively laid out and printed material as well as incorporating digital media. This is also because I feel a successful brand should have a strong digital presence. My work will attempt to communicate a strong visual and sensory experience that harmonises with the products and services being offered. There will be strong uses of typography, layout, graphics, tone and textures. With the digital presence of a website and/or social media, a digital and analogue experience will thus be established. The food truck will be selling artisan style food and beverage pairings, like ‘Pale ale and pies’, ‘Beer and Burgers’ or ‘coffee and crepes.’ As well as seeking above average food and beverages, customers love a good brand story and enjoy being involved in it, which is how I want to approach this project!

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