Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Navneet Rattan


Auckland Musuem-Gallipoli in Minecraft
The abstract image depicts what this project is trying to achieve. Which is user engagement with world war history. In this particular case, it would be the Gallipoli campaign. Based on observation at the site, many young users were enthusiastic about this exhibition as it displayed something that is usually ‘black and white’, and gave it colour and energy through minecraft while teaching them about the event itself.

History is known to be one of the subjects in school which students can find overwhelming and un-intriguing. This led the younger generation to become unaware of the events which took place during world war II, and the sacrifice the soldiers made so that we can live in the world like we do today. This project aims to solve that problem by making an interactive website that is enticing and intriguing to the younger audience of 12-17. It aims to shed light on what World War II would have been like for Charles Upham, a World War II hero known for his brave actions and gallantry. His story is ideal for this project’s aim as it is action packed and almost fiction like. Making the viewer experience something that will keep them interested about the war. Having this focus on one soldiers story rather than an entire war makes it more engaging towards the user, and creates an emotional connection.

The website will be used as a learning resource for students, as it will be both informative and biographic in nature. Therefore the content will consist mainly of Upham’s story, while giving context and background information about World War II.

To maintain ethical practice, the project can’t risk being too energetic or action packed as it is trying to communicate a respected soldiers life. There needs to be a balance between formality, and the projects aim to be enticing and intriguing.

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This entry was posted on August 24, 2015 by in Digital Media.