Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Josh Brannan

Abstract image

Jennet Liaw – Stay humble / Hustle hard

For my semester 6 project I want to create a unique and memorable personal branding for myself.
I will do this by incorporating elements of Gestalt theory to create an “aha” moment for the viewer by combing multiple meanings into one form.

Above you can see a typographic example of Gestaltism as it combines the words humble and hustle, separating the two with a diagonal line which also completes the letters H and E. When read as a whole it is read as Stay humble / Hustle hard.

Designs such as these that incorporate a “smile of the mind” have the advantage over ordinary equally aesthetically pleasing designs as it challenges your mind to decipher the full meaning giving you a rewarding feeling when you “see it”. This deeper level of thinking results in a far more memorable design.

I also want to show my brand design process to show that I have a system in place to create smart and unique design every time. This will be shown through a Branding Tool Kit which will include a infographic flow diagram of my design process which will then act as a contents page for the rest of the tool kit, so every stage of my design process will point to a page in the tool kit that will have solutions to problems I’ve had in the past and how I overcame them as well as creative exercises that can help with creative block.

I plan to provide the Branding Tool Kit free digitally on my Behance, with styling and branding that matches my self brand. For the reasons of future use I must also make sure all of the contents of my tool kit can work in monochrome as colour printing may not always be possible.

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This entry was posted on August 24, 2015 by in Brand & Identity.