Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Parisa Shademan


apoptosis (cell death)

 My Type

As my SP6 project I chose to talk about My Type and show people what Type 1 Diabetes is.

I got diagnosed in 2013 and since then the main thing that really bothers me is lack of knowledge in the community about type 1 diabetes.

1 out of 16 people in New Zealand have diabetes and yet not many know about it.

People generally have wrong assumptions about this condition and they don’t know much about it. So I started to research and find out why. The more I looked the more I realised the information about diabetes is not well presented, generally the websites related to diabetes are very boring with long articles and blocks of texts… People wouldn’t want to read any of that. Being a graphic and website designer I started thinking about creating a fun and playful environment on web and give information about type 1 diabetes.

The aim of my project is to attract more attention to this topic and create visually  interesting content so that people enjoy reading and learning it. To do so I’m planning to design a web-based game, as  part of my website, for people to interact with it and while playing the game, they’ll learn about type1 diabetes.

“My Type” is a very friendly website about my personal experiences and life as a type1 diabetic. I want to share my story with people to raise awareness about diabetes and its complications. I believe the more we know about this condition, the better we can control it.

Fun, colourful and engaging are the key features of this website and its designed for anyone who wants to learn something new while playing and having fun on internet.

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This entry was posted on August 23, 2015 by in Digital Media and tagged , .