Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Krista Milne

Abstract Animality

Abstract Animality


Animality is a project that will harmonize animals and personality together in visual form. As someone who has had a passion for everything cats and dogs from a young age, I wanted to establish a name for myself in the pet industry and hopefully contribute to it in the long run.

The aim of my Animality brief is to develop a pet photography brand and visual identity that supports my ideal of bringing animals’ personalities to life in illustration and/or captured in photography. Animality will be a supporter of pet adoption, offering services that will bring life and personality to adoption focused photography that traditionally lack depth of character with unresponsive mugshot portraits of animals. Alternatively, family pets can be captured in illustration or photography to immortalize their unique ‘selves’ in print. It is imperative my visual identity and brand ideals appeal to both areas of my target market.

Pets are popularly humanized with the promotion of emotional colours, photography and written content. In the end, my project will need to find balance with these features to catch the eye of pet lovers. The purpose of Animality is to communicate life, personality and character without overloading audiences with too much visual information or falling onto Hallmark card cuteness.

At the end of this project, I have locked down two major showcase elements to feature alongside Animality‘s standard brand collateral that will promote my brand and graphic illustration skills. The first is the final A0 wall presentation will be a branded montage inspired by emotive photography and artwork collages. Lastly, an accompanying website portfolio will be a strong supportive output for Grad Show that showcases both my graphic brand and website design skills – access to a contact form will be highlighted to grab potential client information.

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This entry was posted on August 23, 2015 by in Brand & Identity and tagged , , , , , , , , .
