Unitec BDVA Graphic Design & Animation Projects 2015

Online project portfolios for final year Graphic Design students from Unitec's BDVA Programme.

Janelle Baptist

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Project Abstract:

The intention of my SP6 project is to give graphic design students an accurate understanding of the graphic design industry and prepare them for entering it. I want to enable students to connect with the industry and community beforehand so that they are better prepared for the realities of design in the real world. I plan to achieve this by offering relevant information and resources, in an easily accessible way that can help and support these students during these transitions.

My aims are: to inform students of their options and the realities of the industry, to support them in their transition and with any struggles they might face and to facilitate their development and the growth of the student part of the design community.

I’ve chosen to do this project because it’s something that I feel passionate about, and I feel there is a need for it within the graphic design industry. I know I wish I had more resources like this, or this type of support when I went to university right out of high school, and I feel there is an underestimation of the level of transition from high school students to university, and sometimes even from university to industry.

I love the idea of being able to offer opportunities for students to find their way more easily, and help them identify their niche within the industry, as I feel this would help instill confidence and make them more sure of where they want to go. This would not only be a great help to students, but I feel it would benefit the design industry in the long term by having designers coming straight out of university that are sufficiently prepared, reassured in their abilities and enthusiastic to get down to work they enjoy.

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This entry was posted on August 23, 2015 by in Editorial Content.